Thursday, September 6, 2012

What do I read?

I consider myself a pretty avid reader; a characteristic literally drilled into me by my mother. From an early age my mom would oh so cruelly force me to read, read, read, and eventually I actually started to like to read, so much so that I had to be reading a book at any given time; when I finished reading a book, I picked another one and proceeded to read it during my free time and so on. I love to read because I feel as though its an escape from life into another world, a way to truly relax and unwind from the annoying little issues of the day. For me watching television or going online could never quiet give me the joy I get from reading.

So, the question is what do I read, How do I read it and where? Aside from the novels and books that I read, I usually read magazines, and news from online. I haven't read an actual newspaper in YEARS but I do read articles online about current events. The magazines I read are fashion (Vogue, Elle, Nylon, Seventeen In Style) and tabloid magazines (People, Star, US weekly, OK, In Touch weekly etc.) I hate when I have a bunch of old magazines around my room (my room's messy enough...I do NOT need more clutter) so I usually read the magazines when I go to the market (don't judge!) and if I missed anything, I usually look online at home for articles.

And that's pretty much what I read. (I'm not even going to go into the annoying, I mean useful and education :) textbooks I have to read for school; but in all honestly I do love my Mass Communication book and class because duh that's my major. I chose it for a reason because that's what I'm really interested in.)

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