Friday, October 5, 2012

Big Ideas In the News Industry (ch.11)

  1. The changing definition of news: The Audience
  2. Controversy: Conservatives vs. Liberals
  3. Controversy: News as Entertainment
  • The changing definition of News in recent years is attributed to the audience's definition of the news values: what is timely, important and interesting. Unfortunately the audiences have made it clear through ratings and the internet that what they think was important and interesting was the lives of celebrities or news exclusively expresses views that they already believe in. This is causing major problems in the News industry because reporters are losing credibility for reporting on miscellaneous topics in order to get more ratings. Also the way in which the audience selects the news that they chose to view is dangerous due to the narrow perspective they are implementing on themselves. This kind of narrow minded behavior can easily increase intolerance and bigotry in people.
  • The fight between conservatives and liberals strongly control what reports report on. Because each side want there viewpoints reported on, strong guidelines are put on news outlets on how they can report news. The Media Research Center in particular monitors newscast for any unpatriotic reports. This causes some unrest with news executives because some critics feel that the news should be political watchdogs not cheerleaders.
  • News as entertainment has been a pressing issue in recent history because stations want ratings, but the ways that they have been going about getting them have seemed unprofessional. The sensational promotional announcements for news reports that turn out to be hardly news is among this entertainment slant in news. Using air time on news broadcasts to promote other programs shown on the same station has also become common place; a way to advertise and get more ratings.


  1. Jadzia, Well Done! your comments from your last entry are also good; really: why would I buy a magazine to learn about why Lady Gaga shaved her head... but people do.
    An interesting point form your entry form Chapter 11 is the concern regarding news becoming entertainment and entertainment becoming news... we'll be following that a bit more
